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On Walking Out of the Darkness and Into the Light

Writer's picture: Alexandra KavalAlexandra Kaval

Updated: Jan 12, 2020

Do you sometimes feel like – out of nowhere – you suddenly have this gigantic metaphorical raincloud sitting right above you?

Like life has shifted from bright & shiny to dull and unexciting?

I was on such a spiritual high a few weeks ago. I’d connected with fellow coaches, made some great progress in my businesses, hosted dear friends… It was phenomenal! I felt so blessed by God and so joyful.

And then soon after, Satan began pointing out everything that was “wrong”. What was missing. What wasn’t good enough. And it got to me.

All this to say it prompted me to write a ‘love letter’ of sorts to you all on what I’m doing to step out of the darkness and into the light in hopes that it might encourage you, too. <3

1. Take stock of what’s going on (and has been going on) around you.

Have you missed or ignored signs from God? To be real with you guys, I desperately need more quiet time and prayer time but simply didn’t pursue that to a level which my soul and relationship with the Lord needed. When He speaks, I must be a better listener. I need to better respond to His whispers.

2. Go back to the Bible. What does scripture say about you?

Sometimes when life feels all wrong, we need the ever constant words of scripture to remind us of all that is right. If you don’t already, I’d suggest creating a collection of verses to refer back to when you need them (Maybe even practice your hand lettering skills writing them- have fun with it!). Meditate on these verses. Say them aloud. Pray about them. Ask God to make them real for you.

3. Consider self-care.

This is an important one too, you guys. For better or for worse, my body really responds to what I’m doing to it. And recently, I’d been feeding it too much pasta and sugar. And simply put- I’m feeling it (both physically and mentally). Not worth it! Instead, I need to take the time to nourish my body so that it can take care of me, too.

4. Rest.

Most times I want to push through and get stuff done. Right now, God is calling me to pause and rest and take it easy. And that’s ok.

5. Reflect.

Reading is my favorite. I adore learning and the inspiration that comes from reading. That passion, however, also draws me away from another love that God has placed on my heart- and that’s intimate quiet time and reflection with Him. Don’t let the noise of the world get in the way of what He needs you to hear.

6. Know that this too shall pass.

This icky feeling isn’t forever. To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1). I need to take steps to be obedient to Him and He will guide me to where He is and back where He wants me (and YOU) to be, sweet friend.

Into the light.


Scripture of the Day

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. (1 Peter 2:9)


Grace Space Christian Coaching Reflection Questions:

  1. What typically pulls you out of God’s light?

  2. What’s one thing you will do today to prepare you for those ‘down days’?


Need someone to walk alongside you and tackle this together? Reserve your complimentary clarity call today.

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