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celebrated by our hundreds of clients served


You’re tired of doing more, more, more, but feel like it's never enough. (And if you're being honest, that you're not enough.)

You're everyone's "go-to person" and are passionate about caring for the people around you. But, it feels impossible to prioritize yourself.  


​You expect excellence and go hard on all the things but know that it's time to shift to doing it in a more sustainable and lifegiving way.


8+ years in coaching

100+ 1:1 clients served

30+ five star Google reviews

1 Bachelor's Psychology •  1 Master's HR Development • 4 Coaching Certificates

1000+ hours of 1:1 coaching experience, 100's of clients served, multiple degrees, resources galore, a unique methodology, tools, and custom program

to serve your unique life and business

God-centered coaching for your most fruitful life

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Get ready to go become the activated entreprener. It’s you, only better, because the Holy Spirit comes alive in you unlike ever before. You become an expert at operating through His strength, which changes everything.

You are served through my own God led journey, gain access to the lessons learned and resources curated for the hundreds of amazing women who have walked before you, and benefit from the expertise that comes with multiple coaching certificates, degrees, and nearly 2000 hours of coaching logged. You'll experience the undeniable transformation that happens when you walk with intentionality and obedience. 

Your powerful progress starts here

Break through the overwhelm.

You are an ambitious female entrepreneur, putting in the hard work in a state of constant overwhelm.  ​You love the Lord and your relationship with Jesus matters, but your personal life and faith feel like more of an afterthought than what drives your every day.​

The pressure to do it perfectly can be crippling. 

You aren't in this alone.

I see you. I was you. Even with the most impressive accomplishments, family, dream jobs, and productivity, it was never felt enough. ​That’s where God came in. Through relying on His strength, HIS vision, His wisdom, you will experience more peace and growth than you ever thought possible. We will partner together to overcome your biggest challenges to enjoy deeper relationships, clarity, and create strategies that work for your unique wiring. 

There is a reason you are craving a change.

What will happen if you continue with these SAME habits, challenges and negative self talk long term? 

It’s time to STOP getting distracted the overwhelm and noise in your everyday. Let’s partner with Christ so that you can focus on the right things in the right way to experience the impact and transformation

that you were made for.

The support you are searching for.

The women I work with make things happen. They are action oriented with great vision and potential. If you're ready to eliminate that feeling of dread at your ever growing to-do list of priorities and wake up ENERGIZED to live out God's bes, this is for you. After coaching with GSCC, you will feel so much freedom to live life on your terms -

really on God’s terms - instead of striving towards the of the world’s empty expectations.

The pressure, the second guessing, the insecurity…
all become things of the past.

It’s time to step into God’s way and walk in His strength. Experience a life overflowing with intentionality, clarity, and passion- all driven by God’s truths.

kind words...


Christian coaching gives you clarity to determine actionable, realistic next steps to take to make your God-given vision a reality! You'll get unstuck and be more focused and energized than ever before.


Coaching requires your commitment & dedication to work. I’ll ask you questions that allow you to pause and hear from God in profound ways, maybe unlike ever before. We’ll uncover what you might need to let go of and create a customized plan of action that will work for you.

I’ll provide you with lots of encouragement through this period of growth (you will feel so loved & cared for!), and accountability, too. I know first hand that recognizing your strengths can help you unlock your potential and experience success like you’ve never imagined. (Thank you, Jesus!)


"Before coaching, I felt like the pace of my life and my schedule was continuing to win over the areas of my life I knew could be better. . . Coaching interrupted my fast pace life and schedule and created a life-giving space for me to express thoughts and have conversations, at my own rhythm, where I then left feeling like I could do the things I didn't have time for. Alexandra is an amazing listener, leader, and equipper."

- Shae T.


If you're ready to release insecurities and are craving clarity

on your best actionable, realistic next steps, you're in the right place.

Let's get you grounded and rooted in what matters most.

You're about to feel more empowered and energized than ever before.

Establish a Firm Foundation

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16)

  • Learn how to let go of negative thoughts

  • Release expectations that are no longer serving you

  • Experience contentment in hard seasons

  • Find freedom in your identity in Christ  

  • Experience a strength & security unlike ever before

  • Live in a posture of surrender

Live with Intention & Purpose

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11)

  • Live out your priorities with intention 

  • Courageously honor your God-given purpose

  • Establish boundaries to free you up for what matters most

Christian life coach for women

Run the Race Set Before You

"Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith." (Hebrews 12:1-2)

  • Break through fear & doubt to take risks you didn't think possible

  • Persevere on your purpose, even when it's hard

  • Walk through transitions with grace

  • Live boldly with joy, intention, and God-given confidence

Coaching Packages

The Activated Entrepreneur

 This is your faith based personal & professional success blueprint. 

Our signature approach includes three core elements
and is both scientifically driven and faith filled.




Our signature program is offered through two options so that you experience epic results in a way that's most supportive for your work & life. 


  • 6 months of personalized 1:1 coaching

  • 16 coaching sessions (1 hour each)

  • Meet 1x/week for 2 months, then every 2x/month for 4 months

You're ready to experience significant change in a shorter period of time.


You want to jump in with both feet and practice living out your takeaways in a strong, steady rhythm. 


  • 12 months of personalized 1:1 coaching

  • 18 coaching sessions (1 hour each)

  • Meet 2xs/month for 6 months, then 1xs/month for 6 month​s

You want expert support in your corner for an extended period of time.


A LOT can happen in a year and you're determined to make this one your best yet.


If your life is filled to the brim, this package offers breathing room between sessions to practice what you're learning.

Your Activated Entrepreneur Bonuses

Your coaching experience is going to be more amazing than you ever imagined possible and our bonuses show you from the start. This is just the beginning...
  • Complimentary 90 minutes of coaching ($700 value)

  • Life intake assessment + personalized strategy 

  • Worksheets on spiritual gifts, purpose, values, mission + vision

  • Virtual workshop, eBooks, workbooks ($100+ value)

  • Exclusive email and text access to Alexandra

  • Custom resource recommendations

  • Access to sustainment session package offerings

  • Curated special gift

  • Eliminate unnecessary activities

  • Live and work from a place of focus and intention

  • Fall in love with your work and life all over again

  • Enjoy greater impact and income, thanks to a focused and simplified strategy

  • Do the thing(s), take the risks, and see the fruit the follows

You'll live freely and confidently, with clarity and become empowered and inspired as you live out your most intentional, Christ-centered life possible.

​You’ll gain clarity, make significant progress, and build momentum on what matters most.

Invest in the future you and through God,
experience transformation you never imagined possible.

Rates begin at $3997.
One time payment or monthly payments available.

It’s no longer about “what if I fail,” but “what if I FLY,”
because if God is for you, WHO CAN BE AGAINST YOU.

. (Romans 8:31)


Frequently asked...

Although you might be stressed about what's next,

have confidence that God is able to do more than we could ever ask or imagine.

Find out more about the Coaching Process below,

and when you are ready, apply for your complimentary clarity call! 


You can also check out this blog post for more Coaching FAQs.

  • What is this all about?
    Sister, I hear you. I feel you. I understand how deeply you desire to been known, seen, loved & accepted. Through Jesus, we can have all these things. Sweet friend, remember that God sent Jesus- His one and only son, to die on a cross for us. Through Jesus, we know God. (John 3:16) Let’s break the chains that are separating you from this truth, so that you can rest in a deep understanding & acceptance as a beloved daughter of Christ. Taste and see that the Lord is good. (Psalm 34:8) Remember that He is perfect so that we don't have to be. God’s grace is sufficient for you, for His power is made perfect in weakness. (2 Corinthians 2:19) Begin this journey by resting in your identity in Christ... As Michelle Myers, founder of She Works His Way says, “God has to work in us before He can work through us.” “In my Father’s house, there’s a place for me. I’m a child of God yes I am.” - Who You Say I Am by Hillsong Worship Want more scripture truth to fill your heart, sweet sister? Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes. (Ephesians 1:4) You have been set apart as holy to the LORD your God, and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure. (Deuteronomy 14:2) God loves you and has chosen you as his own special people. So be gentle, kind, humble, meek, and patient. (Colossians 3:12)
  • This may be helpful if you need to...
    Surrender to Him in the hard moments and truly turn things over to God Receive sweet revelations from the Lord Experience a lightness and peace Rest in God’s presence Be able to wait in peace Make a transition, but are struggling through the change Access the answers and knowledge He’s already placed in your heart
  • Results you can expect...
    You may... ​Experience an immense sense of hope Experience a-ha moments that redefine your life Rejoice in a-ha moments that redefine your faith walk Learn how God’s truth applies to your every day Lean into God in the hard moments (and find Him there!). Be reminded of His promises Learn how to surrender and trust. You’ll find freedom in your relationship with Him.

 Let's work together so that you can find clarity and direction,

all in a faith based way. 

As a first step, let's meet over your complimentary clarity call.

We'll talk through your biggest challenges and explore how you can move forward.

You'll leave feeling uplifted & encouraged, and with clarity on what's next. 

Let's determine whether GSCC can help you to get unstuck and move forward so that you can live your most productive, passionate, and purposeful life possible.

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