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What You NEED to Know if You're Considering Becoming a Coach!

GSCC's Explore + Empower Package

Want to get the scoop on what I wish I'd done before investing in a coaching program?


( may be a surprise!!...)


I wish I'd invested in a coach. 

It sounds so simple and it makes so much sense, doesn't it?


Before committing to a coaching program (and a Christian one specifically), I can now see that it would have been invaluable to experience a deeper understanding of what it was actually like to be on the receiving end of coaching. 

I definitely missed out on that and don't want the same thing to happen to you. 


And because of that, I've created a mini coaching package for prospective coaches, just like you, to invest in prior to making one of the biggest decisions of your life -- the decision of whether to become a life coach.


This coaching package (created just for YOU!) is called Explore + Empower.

Want to know why the Explore + Empower package is your best investment before saying yes to coach training?

  • You'll actually experience what coaching is so that you know whether it's something that you want to spend your time (& hard earned money!) doing! (Believe it or not, most people's definition of coaching is wildly different from what it actually entails!)

  • You'll be able to articulate what coaching is like to future clients (you've got to go through it yourself to truly understand!). 

  • This experience will give you a head start on your marketing materials, if you decide to pursue coaching! (Since you'll have gone through the experience yourself, you'll be able to describe the process SO much better than you would have otherwise.)

  • You'll make AMAZING progress on what's most important to you (here are my love notes from past clients on how their experience working with GSCC was transformational)

  • You have the opportunity to ask me any + all questions, as someone who's obtained their coaching certificate, been coaching for three years, and left my corporate job to pursue coaching full time!


Want to know what's included in your Explore + Empower package?

  • Three 60-minute sessions on any 3 topics of your choice

  • Worksheets to complete before + after your coaching



For a limited time, when you purchase the Explore + Empower package, you'll also receive an additional 30 minutes with me where you can ask me anything about coaching!

No question is off limits.

The investment? A one-time payment of $795.

Yes- it's GOOD, y'all.

  • What is this all about?
    Sister, I hear you. I feel you. I understand how deeply you desire to been known, seen, loved & accepted. Through Jesus, we can have all these things. Sweet friend, remember that God sent Jesus- His one and only son, to die on a cross for us. Through Jesus, we know God. (John 3:16) Let’s break the chains that are separating you from this truth, so that you can rest in a deep understanding & acceptance as a beloved daughter of Christ. Taste and see that the Lord is good. (Psalm 34:8) Remember that He is perfect so that we don't have to be. God’s grace is sufficient for you, for His power is made perfect in weakness. (2 Corinthians 2:19) Begin this journey by resting in your identity in Christ... As Michelle Myers, founder of She Works His Way says, “God has to work in us before He can work through us.” “In my Father’s house, there’s a place for me. I’m a child of God yes I am.” - Who You Say I Am by Hillsong Worship Want more scripture truth to fill your heart, sweet sister? Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes. (Ephesians 1:4) You have been set apart as holy to the LORD your God, and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure. (Deuteronomy 14:2) God loves you and has chosen you as his own special people. So be gentle, kind, humble, meek, and patient. (Colossians 3:12)
  • This may be helpful if you need to...
    Surrender to Him in the hard moments and truly turn things over to God Receive sweet revelations from the Lord Experience a lightness and peace Rest in God’s presence Be able to wait in peace Make a transition, but are struggling through the change Access the answers and knowledge He’s already placed in your heart
  • Results you can expect...
    You may... ​Experience an immense sense of hope Experience a-ha moments that redefine your life Rejoice in a-ha moments that redefine your faith walk Learn how God’s truth applies to your every day Lean into God in the hard moments (and find Him there!). Be reminded of His promises Learn how to surrender and trust. You’ll find freedom in your relationship with Him.


"As someone who is exploring becoming a life coach myself, I was so excited to start coaching with Alexandra. However, my growth during our sessions was better than I could have even imagined myself - rather than just focusing on what I need to DO, Alexandra helped me work through deeper lessons so I could focus on the type of person I want to BE. Alexandra's coaching has helped me re-frame my life to be led by God and my values, rather than just my to-do list. Alexandra's spirit-led coaching left me feeling refreshed and gave me clarity in ways I had never experienced before. Alexandra also offers practical methods to achieve your goals, but in a way that is for God's glory. Alexandra's calm manner helps focus my high energy and balance me out. I cannot recommend Alexandra's life coaching services enough!" - Michelle M.

So are you in!?

It may be one of your best investments for a decision that has the potential to change your life, and as a friend of mine once said, "create ripple effects throughout eternity."

Now is the time, sister!

I have a feeling your are going to love the Explore + Empower package.

You will have so much clarity around whether coaching is right for you,

and will experience massive personal growth along the way, too.

life coach charlotte north carolina

Excited to say YES!?

Click here to let me know you're in, and will email you your onboarding package!

Cannot WAIT for us to get started!

And if you have any questions?

Click here and let me know what's on your mind!

I'll personally reply to anything you want to know so that you can decide whether Explore + Empower is right for you.


(Also- you may also want to check out the post on my journey to becoming a Christian coach to answer any questions.)

So excited to talk with you soon!

With joy,


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