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What's on God's To-Do List?

Updated: Jan 12, 2020

I love the feeling of crossing an item off my to-do list. (Can you relate!?)

Recently though, in a quiet moment with God, He revealed to me that those things that I wanted to get done so badly were my desires, and not His. Whoa.

During my quiet time with Him, I recognized that my to-do list was MINE. Not His. And that was unsettling. There are countless demands that compete for our attention every day. We have endless options of items to place on our to-do lists. When I took a moment to pause, I realized that I had spent so much of my energy working through my own to-do’s, and a lot of times, had them all wrong.

The Lord convicted me to take a hard look at how I’d been using my time. I’ve been compelled to consider whether my to-do’s are focused on eternity, or my current circumstances.

What’s been placed on my heart (my new ‘God-centered to do list,’ if you will) is the need and the desire to grow more deeply in Him so that I can better serve my community and be a better follower of Jesus.

This means praying consistently, expressing gratitude regularly, deepening my understanding of scripture, living in community, and serving others in a more profound way. These are the items that are finding their way to the top of my (His) transformed to-do list (praise Jesus!). So friends, our first step towards a transformed to-do list is simply becoming aware. Aware of how we choose to use our time. This type of intentionality is a muscle we exercise daily, and it will become easier and more regular for us, just like any habit.

And guess what? Glorifying Him through a God-centered to-do list will produce fruits that are much more far-reaching and powerful than anything we could ever imagine on our own. Let’s challenge one another to serve Him and His list, more often than our own.


Grace Space Christian Coaching Reflection Questions:

  • When will you pause next to listen to Him ? To sit still long enough to hear Him clearly, and let His desires become more deeply rooted in your heart?

  • How will you refresh your to do list to serve and honor the Lord?

PS. Lysa TerKeurst’s book ‘The Best Yes’ addresses a bit more about this topic. Check it out if you haven’t already, or consider going back to the book and referencing your highlights if you've read it already.


“Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.” Romans 12:11


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