How might life feel different if you had your own personal cheer squad?
What if you had a custom made team who saw the best in you, encouraged you, challenged you, and held you accountable in your personal and/or professional life ?
What if you had a handful of people in your corner who regularly rallied around you,
spurring you on to fulfill God's call on your life?
What if you had a specific list of allies to link arms with through both the good and the bad?
Meet your board of directors.
Creating your personal board of directors means curating a list of your best people who can provide you with guidance and oversight to help you succeed in your God-given purpose.
Your board of directors is a thoughtful compilation of your inner circle who will guide you with love and conviction towards what matters most.
Curious about how to curate your board of directors?
Here's how to curate your personal board of directors so that you can live your most intentional, Christ-centered year yet:
Step 1- identify who has been your board up till now.
Warning: this exercise might make you teary eyed!
Take stock of who has impacted your life in the biggest way.
Who has been there for you in those pivotal life moments?
Who encourages you to think differently? Bigger even?
Who picked you up when you thought you didn't have it in you to keep going?
(Warned you emotions might come bubbling up!)
Take a moment to go to God in prayer and then..
1) List out all the names the Lord brings up to you.
2) Next to their name, jot down how they've been a blessing in your journey.
3) Tell them! Don't underestimate how this might encourage and inspire them, too.
Here's a sample of various categories you might see on your list, to help get the ideas flowing: - Friends
- Teachers
- Family members
- Coworkers
- Mentors from work
- Fellow business owners who get it
- Mentors from church - Financial advisors
I'll give you a peek at a personal example for one of the women on my list. One of my managers while I was working in corporate America (shout out to you, Amber!) snags this spot on my list. She was transformational to my growth because she focused on my strengths (while I zeroed in on my weaknesses), provided opportunities for me to grow, opened doors that she didn't need to, and she was (and still is!) interested not only in my professional growth, but my personal life too. She genuinely cares and I am forever changed by her kindness & intentionality.)
Have fun with this!- this exercise might be something you'll want to hold onto and reflect back on for years to come.
Step 2- who might you add to your board of directors roundtable today?
Where are your open seats on your board of directors table and who might you enlist to help you realize your God given potential?
Who will spur you on?
Who do you need in your corner?
Who do you admire who you'd like to speak into your life?
Who will come alongside of you to discern what's next?
List out those names as well as a plan for engagement - the questions you have for each of them and an outline of how to stay connected through this year.
And there you go- you've begun to create your very own personal Board of Directors list.
Have a big goal, but just can't seem to implement it?
Want to live for Jesus and are trying SO hard to do it all, but feel like you're falling short?
Faith based coaching is your next move.
Head to our coaching page to learn more about what it could look like to have personalized support on your side so that you can live out your most intentional, Christ-centered year yet.