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Lies You Might Believe + Truths to Trade Them For

Have you heard of the phrase 'inner mean girl' before?

Sometimes the way we talk to ourselves can be pretty rough.

God's word says there is power in the tongue. So what if you really lived like that was true?

What if you treated yourself as you would a friend? Or better yet, treated yourself as a masterpiece created by the God of the universe (that you are!)?

With that said, here are several lies you might believe and truths to trade them for.

Praying this breaks chains and breathes life into you, sister!

His love,




Lie / Truth

  • I’m not enough. / God is enough so that you don't have to be.

  • I feel so alone. / God is always with you, behind you, and before you.

  • I did xyz, so I’m unlovable and unworthy. / You are loved and forgiven and made worthy through Jesus Christ alive in you.

  • I'm in pain, does He even see me? / He is all knowing and grieves with you.

  • I’ve turned away for too long. / He is always waiting with open arms. Nothing can separate you from the love of God.

  • Will I ever experience a faith and boldness like xyz person? / Be persistent and disciplined each day. He has a beautiful story uniquely crafted for you.


Lie / Truth

  • Maybe work is really just supposed to feel like work. / He's created you with specific giftings to use and bless others with. You will come alive when you walk in them!

  • Will I ever feel completely fulfilled? / You will experience joy as you walk in your gifting, although your relationship with Him brings the ultimate joy.

  • I’m not good at anything. / He has given you specific spiritual gifts to use and bless others. (Ask a family member or friend if they're hard to see for yourself!)

  • Everyone has it all together but me. / Ha! Nope. We all fall short of the glory of God. But each morning, His mercies are new.


Lie / Truth

  • I’m not <xyz> enough to make this happen. / Allow God's strength to come alive in you. In fact, He'll be even more glorified when this is something you know cannot happen in your own human strength.

  • <Xyz person> is already living out my dream- why should I do it, too? / There's a book called Business Boutique by Christy Wright. She shares the idea that when you walk into a bookstore, there's not just one book on gardening, per se. There are dozens! Just like with any topic, different people bring a different voice and perspective to the content. There are specific people out there who God has purposed you to serve who are going to want to hear how you share something! He uniquely crafted you in a way that no one else can replicate.

  • I’m not smart enough. / The Lord has given you (and will give you) exactly what you need. He equips the called, rather than calls the equipped. Powerful, right?

  • There's so much that's missing or not good enough. / Celebrate the gifts that God has given you! Gratitude turns what we have into more than enough.


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